London host for EAA’s 14th annual conference
The 14th International Conference on Research in Advertising 2015 will be held in London, UK, one of the most exciting cities in the world. The conference theme “Bridging the Gap” embodies the need for closer collaboration between advertising academia and practice.

Around 150 papers on various topics related to advertising and brand communication will be presented during the two days of the conference: July 3rd and 4th, 2015. The 2nd Doctoral Colloquium, followed by a welcome reception, will be held on July 2nd.
The conference will take place on the campus of the Birkbeck, University of London. A gala dinner is scheduled on Friday, as well as a sight-seeing tour of London on Saturday, following the last sessions of the conference.
Conference Organiser
The conference organiser at the University of London is:
- Professor George Christodoulides (g.christodoulides@bbk.ac.uk)